All the
accepted papers of ICDAM-2025 will be published as a proceedings of ICDAM-2025 indexed by
Scopus, Ei, WoS, and other reputed databases.
High-quality selected extended papers of the conference will be invited to submit for
publication in the special issues of the following journals :
Computer & Electrical Engineering Journal (Elsevier) SCI IF 4.15
Expert Systems Journal (Wiley) SCI IF 2.58
Journal Name: Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences Journal, SCI -IF 6.6
Internet Technology letters , Wiley-ESCI & SCOPUS
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing- Inderscience(Scopus)
Computational Intelligence- An International Journal (SCIE, IF-1. 3)
Signal Processing and Cognitive Computing in 6G Communication- IET( SCIE)