6th International Conference on Data Analytics & Management (ICDAM-2025)
ICDAM-2025 Theme:
Data Analytics with Computer Networks
Organized By:London Metropolitan University, London, UK (Venue Partner) in association with
WSG University, Bydgoszcz, Poland, Europe &
Portalegre Polytechnic University, Portugal, Europe & SGGW Management Institute, Poland, Portugal
Date: 13th - 14th June, 2025 Springer LNNS Approved Conference (Indexed in Scopus, EI, WoS and Many More)
6th International Conference on Data Analytics & Management (ICDAM-2025)
ICDAM-2025 Theme:
Data Analytics with Computer Networks
Organized By:London Metropolitan University, London, UK (Venue Partner) in association with
WSG University, Bydgoszcz Poland,
Portalegre Polytechnic University, Portugal, Europe
& SGGW Management Institute Date: 13th - 14th June, 2025 Springer LNNS Approved Conference (Indexed in Scopus, EI, WoS and Many More)
Author/Co-Author Registration Fee Includes: Participation in the technical
program , Participation certificate to the presenter and Pre-Proceeding e-copy
Once your paper is accepted, the registration process begins. You have to complete the following steps.
Step1 - Registration Fee: It is mandatory for at least one author of an accepted paper to register in order for the paper to appear in the proceedings and included in the Technical Program.
Author/Co-Author Registration Fee Includes:
Access to Keynote talks
Access to paper presentation sessions
Networking sessions
Conference lunch and refreshment*
Tea and Coffee Breaks*
Conference kit*
Participation Certificate
Note: The conference is non-residential and delegates are kindly requested to make their
own arrangement for accommodation. If you have any query, please drop a mail to . All
participants and authors abide by
Terms & Condition
the as per the organizations guidelines.
For Online Mode
40% Discount / Custom Fees Registration (Amount based on category of participation or the information conveyed)
Registration for SAARC nations
Note: Fees for all countries is same, payment gateway for SAARC NATIONS For custom Fees Registration (Amount based on category of participation or the information conveyed)
PayPal Payment Link
Pay via UPI
Registration Fee For ICDAM 2025
Research Scholar/Student
Industrial Participant
Early Registration (Fees till 15th March 2025)
USD 300
USD 350
USD 400
Late Registration (Fees After 15th March 2025)
USD 350
USD 400
USD 450
Early Registration (Fees till 15th March 2025)
Late Registration (Fees after 15th March 2025)
Research Scholar/Student
USD 300 (Early)
USD 350 (Late)
USD 350 (Early)
USD 400 (Late)
Industrial Participant
USD 400 (Early)
USD 450 (Late)
Conference Attendee Registration
Note:Attendee is participant of the conference attending the conference without any paper registration
Research Student Attendee
Standard Attendee
Early Registration (Fees till 15th March 2025)
USD 150
USD 200
Late Registration (Fees After
15th March 2025)
USD 200
USD 250
Early Registration (Fees till 15th March 2025)
Late Registration (Fees after 15th March 2025)
Research Student Participants
USD 150 (Early)
USD 200 (Late)
Standard Participants
USD 200 (Early)
USD 250 (Late)
I-UILA (Awards) Registration
I-UILA (Offline at London)
I-UILA (Online)
Registration Fees
USD 300
USD 150
I-UILA Online Registration Fees
I-UILA Offline Registration Fees
USD 150
USD 300
Get a 40% discount on your category fees for online presentation. For example, if you're a student, 40% off $300 means paying $180.